The uncertainty of federal lawmaker action underscores the importance of ongoing advocacy. Whether supporting SAFE Banking, criminal justice reform and or otherwise, everyone must continue showing up and advocating for reform. Taking part in marches, rallies and signing drives are ways to get involved. Other effective measures include reaching out to your local and national lawmakers. It may seem like a drop in the hat, but regularly contacting your lawmakers can help move the needle on an issue if enough people participate.
No matter how you feel about the future of cannabis reform, one thing for sure is that we all remain in limbo for the time being. As we await action, people continue to be criminalized for cannabis in certain states and on the federal level. Meanwhile, cannabis businesses continue to suffer from banking and tax deduction restrictions.
While it is certainly easy to look at the downside, we should reiterate the positives. Progress is gradually happening on the federal level and states continue to legalize. Meanwhile, the public is increasingly on board with change. In time, reform will occur. Let's hope sooner rather than later.