
Our clients grow at an average rate of 54% in less than a year of working with FundCanna.

FundCanna Funding

Ok, fine. 'Debt' is a four-letter word.

However, debt should not be viewed negatively. It is significantly less expensive and more serviceable than equity in running a business and is essential to a company's growth.


When managed correctly, debt can unlock opportunities for companies where otherwise they would be unable. All successful businesses borrow, even those that have lots of cash on hand.

Why Debt is a Building Block for Business Success

Cannabis loans by FundCanna

As an entrepreneur, the thought of taking on debt can be daunting.


However, when debt is used properly it is critical to building and growing a successful business.


All companies from small to large leverage debt to fuel their growth.

Without debt, most businesses wouldn't have the financial resources available to:

Purchase materials without the limitations of C.O.D. or terms that do not match revenue cycles

Manage cash flow

Take on inventory, purchase strategically

Grow brand awareness and drive sales with marketing

Purchase new equipment or upgrade existing equipment

Renovate, acquire or expand facilities

Acquire new locations

Hire Staff

When used wisely, debt is most certainly a tool for growth.

With the proper due diligence, you'll know when you can take on debt and utilize it for a return that covers the loan. More importantly, you'll know when a loan can fuel your company onward and upward.

Get the working capital you need. Fast.

Approvals in as little as 24 hours

Debt Makes Growth Possible

All businesses need money to grow. Even established brands that are making a profit don’t have the funds to simultaneously invest in all the critical components of the business.

For example, a cultivator and producer may use financing to purchase new grow lights or extraction equipment. Further they may use debt to purchase nutrients, grow tables or other materials needed to drive yield. Rather than laying out cash, a cultivator can use debt to obtain all the items needed to drive a producing grow and they pay down that debt as the harvest is sold and produces cash flow.

Combined with items like nutrients, lights, etc. a cultivator can further leverage debt to market themselves. Generating media mentions, notoriety, thus increasing sales and increasing their margins.

Debt Can Fund Marketing

Access to credit provides a financial opportunity for businesses, allowing them to afford increased marketing and operations, which both put short-term pressures on cash flow.

At FundCanna, your company has access to financial solutions like vendor financing and access to working capital.

Say you're an ancillary provider to the supply chain looking to increase market awareness and generate more sales. You have a great product but not enough cash on hand to cover marketing, buying raw materials, paying shipping/freight all while paying for production and staff salaries.


With the funds to cover expenses, this ancillary provider can free up capital by using access to debt to build brand awareness and generate sales. Efforts can include:

Further developing a robust online presence

Ad placements in email blasts

Attending trade shows and events

Investing in targeted online and offline advertising campaigns

In addition, a source like FundCanna can provide ongoing, reliable access to cannabis financing that allows you to cover day-to-day production costs such as: 



Staff salaries

Utility bills

With the right plan, your company can quickly grow market share and increase revenue. And as sales increase, your business can use the profits to pay off the loan and reinvest in growth–exemplifying how debt should be used to propel a company's trajectory.

Proper Debt Management Starts With You

It's important to manage debt responsibly. That begins with knowing what you'll use your debt for. It also means doing your due diligence on who you work with.


Finding an industry-specific lender who offers customized financing is ideal. FundCanna was started by a team of people that have provided over $20 Billion to consumers and small businesses outside of cannabis. They started FundCanna specifically to address the unique needs of the cannabis industry. Backed by more than two decades of industry funding knowledge, the experts at FundCanna work with prospective clients to ensure they know the available options and the best structure for their specific needs.


Before applying for funding, you should have a general understanding of the following, many of which a reputable source can assist in answering with a simple and straightforward conversation:

Use of capital: How will you use the money?

Expected benefits: What do you believe the additional funding will do for your business?

Timeline: When will you need the funding?

Amount: How much do you believe you need?

Affordability: What kind of margins does your business have and what is the debt load that you think you can support?

This thought process is a healthy approach to debt and will lead to increased revenue and profits.

Don't Fear Debt--Utilize It

When used correctly, debt helps businesses take off and reach new levels of success.


It's an essential component of building a successful business in any industry. 


When managed responsibly and strategically, debt delivers the financial resources needed to scale and sustain a business over time. Companies can invest in critical items like materials, equipment, marketing, and staffing by taking on debt. Each investment can increase revenue, profits, efficiency, customer satisfaction, and more.


Funding can address capitalizing on opportunity and assit with unexpected expenses.


FundCanna is proud to offer a range of financial solutions for the cannabis industry. In addition to working capital, we help the entire supply chain and ancillary providers thrive using vendor financing, equipment financing and custom programs for nearly every business need.

To make debt work for you, it's paramount to manage it responsibly.


Understand the intended benefits, the costs associated with the debt and do your research on the finance company you intend to work with.


After decades helping other sectors, FundCanna was launched to give this amazing industry and its operators the support they deserve. We help our clients understand that debt isn't something to be afraid of, it's something to utilize responsibly to facilitate success. When done so, the resulting business growth is immense.

Get the working capital you need. Fast.

Cannabis loans by FundCanna

Approvals in as little as 24 hours